Tips to get you started in the practice of Mindfulness


Tips to get you started in the practice of Mindfulness


 Here are some tips that may be useful to start practicing mindfulness:

Ø  Start practising for only 5 minutes

For the meditation to be effective, it is not necessary to spend two whole hours meditating and trying to reach Nirvana. You can meditate wherever and whenever you want: before a presentation, during your meal, or before you turn on your computer.

This is the same as going to the gym: start by meditating a little and gradually increase as you gain more experience in observing your own thoughts.


Ø  Find your space

Ideally, you find a quiet space to meditate (even if you want to meditate for only 5 minutes) that is away from the chaos and noise of the work.

If you can anticipate being interrupted, try to avoid it as much as possible so that your meditation session doesn't go to waste. Surely you don't want to be meditating and have a coworker come in SHOUTING SO STRONGLY AND ASKING YOU TO RESPOND TO AN EMAIL.

Possible spaces? The meeting room, the office couch, the balcony or even the bathroom!


Ø  Choose a mantra

Choosing a positive message and repeating it can help you to get it across to the unconscious and positively affect your day.

To choose your mantra you can consider what the goal of your day is. Imagine, for example, that you have a very important meeting and you need to get out of ten. In this case, for example, you can repeat to yourself "I am a capable, resolute person and I will do the meeting well".


Ø  Focus on your breathing

It is proven that breathing slowly and deeply calms your mental state. What is positive about this? That you can do it in absolutely any context: because you are always breathing (or so I hope!).



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